done for you
youtube video editing

Tired of Spending Hours Editing Your YouTube Videos?

You're not consistent because you're doing it all! Focus on recording those videos, and I'll handle everything else.

3 retainer spots available

The Retainer Package

Oh, so you’re serious about taking your YouTube channel to the next level? I love that for you! Here’s the deal—you don't need to be stuck behind a screen editing clips and tweaking SEO tags all day.

You bring the energy, the creativity, and the on-camera magic. I’ll bring the editing skills, the optimization know-how, and all the behind-the-scenes action to make your channel actually show up in results. You film it, I’ll make it look amazing, and then you kick back and watch your channel grow without lifting another finger. Sound good? Let’s do this.

*Need more videos? You can easily add extra video edits to your package each month.

your investment starts at $1,750/MONTH

+ 8 Video Edits per Month*: Complete editing to create engaging, professional content.
  • Filler Word Removal
  • Simple Cuts
  • Transitions
  • Color Grading
  • Sound Grading
  • Sound Effects & Background Music
  • B-Roll Integration
  • Lower Thirds

+ SEO-Optimized Titles and Tags: To boost video visibility and reach.

+ Description Box Optimization: For better engagement and discoverability.

+ Custom Thumbnails: Eye-catching thumbnails that drive clicks.

+ Endscreen Design: To promote more content and keep viewers engaged.

+ Link Integration: Seamless addition of affiliate and promotional links.

+ Scheduling and Publishing: Keep your content calendar full with monthly scheduling.

+ Channel Optimization: Improve the overall look and user experience of your channel.

+ SEO-Optimized Playlists: Enhance watch time and video discovery.

This package includes: 

I’m In, What’s Next?