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Monday - Thursday
10am - 4pm EST


+ Course and membership video editing
+ Course platform set up
+ Course curriculum mapping
+ Workbook design


I work with Kajabi, Squarespace, Thinkific, Teachable, Circle, or Membervault. If you are using another platform, please let me know.

The Collab Cut Package is for those of you who can manage your own tech. Now, I'll handle all the video editing for you, but you'll need to upload the finished content to your course site. This is good if your course platform already in place, you know what to do back there, and you have the time to upload and brand everything. On the other hand, the Full Track Package offers a comprehensive 'done-for-you' experience, managing every aspect from editing all video, tech, and updating your platform with your branding, with bonus features, making it perfect for those seeking a hands-off, all-inclusive solution.

I need to know your course topic and the transformation you deliver to your students. I'll also need all course copy, quiz questions, videos, images, branding, logos, fonts, and access to your chosen course platform (if selecting the Full Track package). Don't worry, I'll help walk you through this. Remember, if you will need a script while filming, you will need to develop your own scripts/talking points. 

Yes! For the Full Track package, you will receive custom video SOP walkthroughs showing how to use everything I send you. For the Collab Cut and the Full Track Package you will receive 14 days of ticket support. For The Playthrough package, you will receive 30 days of ticket support so I can give you feedback during your filming.

Absolutely! For both the Collab Cut and the Full Track packages, we offer a convenient 50/50 payment plan.

Before we begin, you'll need a subscription to an online course platform; feel free to ask if you're unsure which one to pick. Keep in mind, you'll also cover costs for related services, like email software and subscriptions, branding, video hosting, marketing implementation, and all copywriting services. As for my end, there are no ongoing fees from me, unless you want regular course updates down the line. The Full Track package does include one annual update.

Absolutely! Inside all packages, I'll guide you on the optimal way to film your course. Plus, within your Course Planning Portal, you'll find additional instructions on course filming.

Yep! For The Full Track Package, I'll be giving you walkthrough videos on how to update your course platform and make changes. For Collab Cut and The Playthrough packages, I am available to help you with course updates. I'm not going to leave you out here high and dry!

No. You will need to write all scripts for your videos. I will let you know what you need to discuss in that lesson but you are the expert and people want to learn from you!


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