Full Track



course platform

Course Development & Strategy

Video Editing & Asset Design

Consulting & Audit

Platform Setup

scope of work

SOP Simplicity


Qwantel came to me wanting to create a course about developing SOPs. But what was holding her back from truly getting this course out?

She wasn't sure how to formulate the course to ensure it would make sense for her students and she definitely was not trying to edit all those videos!

That's where I came in.

the course transformation

After completing SOP Simplicity, Qwantel's students will learn to efficiently create, write, and automate SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). They'll understand different SOP types, their uses, and how to implement them in business operations. The course also covers automation tools, streamlining SOP management. By the end, students will confidently maintain and update their SOPs, enhancing their business practices.


Qwantel received a full edit of all video materials. As part of the planning process, we discussed what needed to be filmed and how. 

When she sat down to film, she had her scripts ready and a list of everything that needed to be done. There was no question about how to do a thing! I helped her map it compltely out. 

Once she finished filming, she sent me the files and she was able to sit back and relax while I edited all of her footage.

the online course platform

I then developed her course inside her online course platform, Thrivecart. This included:

creating all modules and lessons
uploading all course videos 
linking all downloads
adding verbiage to text areas
adding branding to course platform

Online course graphic design

Using Qwantel's current branding, I developed the following for SOP Simplicity™:

course presentation slides
videos covers
downloads and templates

*all copy is provided by the client



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